Wordpress Tutorials

How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress Website?

Hi Guys, Today I am Going to Show You How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress Website?

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If you’re Looking for the Commonly Searched Term “How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress Website?” (or) “How to Turn Off XML-RPC?”. You are at the Right Place to Get Your Answers & Solve the Issue/Error.

XML-RPC is a feature of WordPress that enables users to connect to their WordPress website using apps, tools, and services via smartphone, implementing trackbacks and pingbacks from other sites. In Simple Words, XML RPC allows you to post content from Mobile apps or any other remote blogging apps. It also allows you to connect any automation services like IFTT or Zapier. There are some issues with XML-RPC Nowadays. Some of the most important issues are security-related issues. Usually, We all use a WordPress Security Plugin and a Stronger Passwords Combination to Prevent the WordPress website from hackers. To Ensure and Safeguard Your WordPress Sites from Brute Force Attacks and DDos Attacks you may need to disable this XML-RPC. In Brute Force Attacks, hackers will try to hack your site using xmlrpc.php by using different combinations of usernames and passwords. On DDoS attacks, Hackers Use the WordPress Pingback feature for sending pingbacks to thousands of sites Quickly.

The Most Important Thing about xmlrpc.php is It is very Useful When You’re planning to publish content on your website from a Mobile Device or Remote Connection. If you want to eliminate the risk of external attacks gaining access, then you simply disable this feature. If you want to check the XML-RPC is running on your site, then you can run it through a tool called XML-RPC Validator. Through XML-RPC Validator, You can check Whether XML-RPC.php is Enabled or Disabled on your Website. We Made a Quick Guide on Disabling the XML-RPC Feature. Just Go Through it.

XML RPC.PHP Can be Disabled Using Two Methods 

1. Disable XML-RPC By Using Plugins.

2. Disable XML-RPC By Using Code.

Steps For How To Fix ” How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress Website

Method 1: Disable XML-RPC By Using Plugins

*For Free Version – Download Disable XML-RPC Plugin Plugin.

How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress?Step 1: After Downloading Disable XML-RPC Plugin and Install and Activate It. This plugin will automatically turn off XML-RPC.

*For Paid Version – Download Perfmatters Plugin.

How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress?

 If You’re Interested in Buying a Paid Version Plugin Like Perfmatters, then Buy it from their official website and Install it.

Step 1: After Installing the Perfmatters Plugin and Goto Options.

Step 2: Now You can see a Set of Options, Look for Disable XML-RPC and Just Simply Turn On the Disable XML-RPC Option.

How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress?

Method 2: Disable XML-RPC By Using Code.

If you don’t want to use a Plugin, then you can use the Manual Method to Disable XML-RPC. Adding the Following Code will stop all xmlrpc.php requests.

Step 1: Goto your C-Panel File manager or Use FTP.

Step 2: Navigate to the .htaccess File and Copy the Below Given Code to .htaccess file and Save it.

#Block WordPress xmlrpc.php requests
<Files xmlrpc.php>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

#Block WordPress xmlrpc.php requests
<Files xmlrpc.php>
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx


*Important Note  – You Need to Change xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to the IP address you wish to allow access to xmlrpc.php or remove this line completely.

That’s It! You’re Done Man

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