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Google Search Console : 4 Simple Methods To Verify your Site Ownership For Wordpress and Blogger

Hi Guys, Today I am Going to tell you about Google Search Console : 4 Simple Methods To Verify your Site Ownership For Wordpress and Blogger

4 Methods to Verify Your Site Ownership in Google Search Console

1. Adding a HTML Tag ( <meta> Tag ) [ Blogger’s & WordPress]

2. Uploading a HTML file [ Not for Blogger’s ]

3.Using Your Google Analytics Account

4. Domain Name Provider ( DNS record )

You can Also Try Other Methods Prefered By Google

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Steps For 4 Simple Methods To Verify your Site Ownership For Wordpress and Blogger ?

Method 1 :  Adding a HTML Tag ( <meta> Tag ) [ Blogger’s & WordPress]

Step 1: First of all Login in to your Google Search Console and Choose Either Domain or Url Prefix.

For Bloggers Choose the URL PREFIX Method , And Use HTML Tag Option to Verify.

Step 2: Now Copy the <meta> Tag and Paste it Before </Head> .

Step 3: Then Refresh the Website. That’s it.

Method 2 : Uploading a HTML file [ Not for Blogger’s ]

Step 1: Choose the HTML File Upload Method ( Most Recommended )

Step 2: Now Download the HTML Verification File.

Step 3: Now Login in to your Hosting Account and Access to your C-Panel and Open Your File Manager.

Step 4: Paste it in root folder of your site Mainly Named as Public_HTML. ( The Folder Which Conatains  wp-content folder, wp-config.php, etc)

Step 5: Now Check it whether it is accessible or not. You can Check it by Entering the name of the Verification File (Given by Google) after your Website Address.

#Like Below Given Format#********.html

Google Search Console : 4 Simple Methods To Verify your Site

Method 3 : Using Your Google Analytics Account

Step 1: Login in to Your Google Search Console Account and Choose Google Analytics Method For Verification.

Step 2: Just Copy the Asynchronous Tracking Code From your Google Analytics Account and Paste it in Header Section Of your Website ( <Head> ).

Step 3 : That’s It You’re Done Man.

Google Search Console : 4 Simple Methods To Verify your Site Method 4: Domain Name Provider ( DNS record ) [ Wordpress ]

I Have Published Detailed Tutorial on Domain Verification Method [ DNS Record Method ]

## Just Check it Out Below ##

How to Verify Google Search Console for Wordpress Using DNS Verification? | Google Search Console DNS Verification ( Domain )

That’s It ! You’re Done Man !

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## Stay Safe Guys And Live Happily ##

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Basically an Instrumentation Engineer But Very much Interested in Blogging. I'm a Passionate Blogger and an Expert in Search Engine Optimization And Always Looking Forward to Learn New Things. I Would Fix & Provide Solution to the Most Common Issues Related to PC,Laptops,Mobiles,OS, Hardwares and Softwares.

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